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When Hail Strikes: Identifying Hail Damage and Finding Reliable Roofing Contractors in Texas

When Hail Strikes: Identifying Hail Damage and Finding Reliable Roofing Contractors in Texas

Oh Hail No...

When a hail storm hits, most people immediately worry about their vehicles and the windows of their homes when it comes to hail damage. While they are at a big risk for damage, there is another place that can be even more damaged and, worst of all, it is a place that often never gets checked over once the storm passes: the roof. When hail hits, it can damage the roof along with other personal property that is exposed to the damaging effects of the hail. Although hailstorms can be destructive, the amount of damage can vary greatly based on several key factors. If you need help identifying hail damage and the type of roof repair that will be needed, contact Blue Truss, the most trusted roofing contractor in Texas.

The Key Factors in Identifying Hail Damage

There are several key factors that can impact just how severe damage may be to your roof during a hail storm. These factors dictate how badly you need the help of roofing contractors in Texas to help with identifying hail damage and in fixing it.


During a storm that is bad enough to produce damaging hail, wind direction and wind speed can be quite severe. But it can also greatly vary. Changes in wind conditions will impact the angle of impact and the speed at which the hail falls, both of which can affect the resulting damage that is seen when the storm passes.

Size and Density

Hail is made up of ice, and the size of the hail is the number one factor that dictates how bad the damage can be and how the roof looks when you are working on identifying hail damage. A hailstone can be as small as a pea or as large as a softball. Additionally, hail is usually not smooth, so depending on the impact side, the damage can be more severe than if the hail hit on other sides.

Building Materials

The materials used on your roof can affect how the hail impacts, and the roof can absorb the force of the hail differently depending on the materials. For example, hail may ding sheet metal roofing, tear shingles, crack tiles, and create divots or tears in vinyl coating. Smaller hail may leave small dings and divots behind, whereas larger hail, if severe enough, could actually punch holes through the roof. Additionally, the age and condition of a roof will impact the level of damage and your need for help from roofing contractors in Texas in identifying hail damage.


The final factor that can greatly impact the severity of hail damage your roof sustains is the presence of any barriers around the home that can affect the impact speed and direction of the hail. The location and size of neighboring structures and natural barriers can reduce damage. Things like tree covers, landscaping features, fences, and other structures, or adjacent homes are the most obvious examples. These barriers can reduce the ability of hail to cause damage by slowing its speed down or blocking the home from impact.

What Does Hail Damage Look Like?

Homeowners often struggle with identifying hail damage after a storm and finding the best roofing contractors in Texas to handle the repair work. The first important step is to be able to tell when your roof has sustained damage after a hail storm. Shingles can react differently when struck by hail, making identifying hail damage tricky. Damage to asphalt and composition shingles looks a lot different than what you see with wood shingles. These are the two most common roofing materials used that are not always obviously damaged, unlike tiles and vinyl coating is. It is important to know the signs to look for.

When identifying hail damage, keep an eye out for:

  • Random damage that appears to be concentrated in some areas, minor in others, and usually occurs with no discernible pattern.
  • Hail hits can often turn black in color due to the melting hail, and the impact area of damage can be more susceptible to the growth of mold.
  • Loss of granules on the shingle coverings. This may expose the roof felt and underlying materials if the shingles are damaged enough.
  • Identifying hail damage may also include spotting roofing materials that appear shiny or polished in certain areas. This is usually where the hail has slid across the roofing surface as it fell.
  • Hail impact areas of the roof can be spongy or soft to the touch. Identifying hail damage of this kind can be difficult to discern without the help of roofing contractors in Texas.
  • A split in the shingle that can run the full length, and often follows the grain. The split area can appear brown/orange/black in color. A split in the shingle caused by hail impacts will often have jagged sharp edges rather than a smoother, more weathered-looking appearance.
  • Impact marks or dents on the roof covering that are rounded in appearance and that are scattered across the roof, making identifying hail damage a bit of a challenge at times.

Hail Damage? Contact Us at Blue Truss

There are many different ways that the roof can be damaged during a hailstorm. Many homeowners struggle with the ins and outs of identifying hail damage and knowing how to go about replacing the shingles and repairing the damage. At Blue Truss, we are proud to be known as the leaders when it comes to roofing contractors in Texas and the surrounding areas.

We have spent years building a team of roofing experts who can handle any roofing emergency and who are able to help homeowners with their roof repair needs following a bad hailstorm. If you believe your home has sustained damage from hail, call your agent or insurance representative to discuss possible next steps in identifying hail damage.

No matter how bad the damage, our team can help make it right and help protect your home, your family, your possessions, and your investment by ensuring your roof’s durability is not compromised by hail damage.

Blue Truss: A different kind of roofing company.

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